Friday, 3 August 2012

Day 6: Results Day by Nick Cochand

The sun was barely kissing the top of Taapaca (5800m)as a gaggle of down jacketed students braved the pre-dawn chill to check exam results. Relief for some disappointment for others and sadly two of the exped will be heading home early. Breakfast was followed by our second day walk. This time to hot springs to at 4000m! What luxury, although on pool proved to be so hot that after jumping in one member of the expedition jumped straight out causing our first minor-ish injury of the trip. The trip home led us through a cactus minefield with small spikey balls leaping to attack at every opportunity. A number of the team were spiked, one somehow managed to get spikes in his tongue - first outing for the expedition emergency dental kit which serendipously accompanied us to the springs. As the day wore on altitude was begining to take its toll on more of the team. Back st the hotel we basked in the sun. Some trying to coax a flame from the hypoxic MSR stove for a cup of coffee while a small outdoor theatre was set up for the suturing. The off to another cracking dinner and early bed before our 4.30am start for our ascent of Taapaca the next day. Lessons learnt: Dont lick cacti Lowest sats: 63% on air No of sutures: 6

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